Tips To Organise Your Wardrobe for Summer

As the weather gets warmer, we all start looking at those warm winter jumpers and thinking it might be time to retire them for a few months in favour of lighter, floatier summer clothes. But while you’re going through the wardrobe, why not take the opportunity to give it a little bit of a makeover? Organising your wardrobe doesn’t have to be a big task, in fact with a few simple tricks you’ll never lose another top, scarf or sock again.

Hang Them Up

Depending on your style, you might find you have a large collection of accessories, belts and scarves to store. While they look lovely on, things like scarves have a way of making your wardrobe look untidy, and if they’re not stored properly they can get tangled up, causing you all sorts of headaches next time you wear them. But if you grab a few shower curtain rings and hang them along a coat hanger, you can hang scarves and belts up to display in a practical, space-saving way.

Summer Vs Winter

The number of clothes you have is one of the biggest factors in how tidy and organised your wardrobe can be. If you have a lot of clothes crammed into a small space, it’s much more likely to get cluttered and disorganised. But that doesn’t mean you have to go throwing a lot of your clothes away. Yes, by all means consider donating the ones you don’t wear to charity, but a better option is to split your wardrobe into ‘Summer’ and ‘Winter’. Season specific clothing can be vacuum-packed and stored either in your home or in a storage unit. This will free up a lot of space in your wardrobe and reduce creasing in your clothes too!

Invest In Draw Dividers

Drawers are very commonly known as the place socks, bras and underwear go to die, turning into a jumble that takes quite a while to sort through. If you’re keeping multiple items in a single drawer, dividers are a great way to keep everything organised. You can buy sets of drawer dividers online, or if you’re feeling crafty, you can make some yourself by cutting up old shoeboxes. If you’re still tight on space, another great way to store clothes you don’t wear as often is to vacuum pack them before storing them. This helps keep out odours and moisture, and will keep them clean until you’re ready to use again.

Beat The Creases

No one likes creases in their clothes, especially if you need to dress smartly for work or a special occasion. To avoid the crease down the front of the legs of your jeans, try hanging up your jeans by the belt loop on an S hook. This not only saves space in your wardrobe, but stops them creasing down the front as well. When it comes to shirts, a lot of the work here can be done in prep. By making sure you hang shirts on a line with pegs, you can draw a lot of creases out by using gravity. When they are completely, 100% dry, make sure you hang them on a plastic coat hanger with thicker shoulders.

Learn How To Fold

Since her documentary aired on Netflix a few months ago, Marie Kondo has been revolutionising the way we tidy and organise her lives. Perhaps one of the biggest tips people have been drawn to is her unique technique for folding clothes – allowing you to store more in your drawers and actually see everything. In essence, once you fold your clothes you store them in a line, all facing up, so things don’t get lost in the back. You can find out how to fold like Marie by watching this video. It might take you a few tries to perfect (it took us around 5!), but once you’ve got the knack you’ll never fold any other way.

We hope this has inspired you to tackle your own wardrobe, and maybe try some other space saving hacks! We’d love to hear what works for you, and if you have any other tips we can share with our readers. Or, if you have any questions, or want to find out how you can use self-storage to relieve the pressure on your wardrobe, just get in touch with us today.

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