a woman sits on the floor and sorts through her belongings into boxes marked 'charity'

Make a fresh start to 2024 by decluttering your home

Did you plan to have a pre-Christmas declutter? Before that, were you going to do it in the Summer? Or maybe as part of a spring clean? In the blink of an eye another year has closed and that declutter still hasn’t happened! Living without clutter is a fantastic way to create the clean slate that lots of us need for clarity of mind. However, getting it done can be incredibly daunting and stressful. So we want to be the helping hand that you need to declutter your home. We’ll look at helpful steps to take, the benefits of clutter free living, and how to maintain it long-term with self storage

Benefits of Decluttering 

Decluttering your home has numerous benefits beyond just clearing space. Daily life can radically change as a result of taking this one step.

  • Less stress – Clutter can cause stress and anxiety. Decluttering frees up your space and helps you feel more relaxed and in control.
  • More space – Decluttering creates more space in your home, making it easier to move around and interact.
  • New opportunities – With the additional space and mental clarity that comes with decluttering, you can make use of additional time to expand your horizons. 

The Declutter Process

When it comes to decluttering, the hardest part is to move from thinking to doing! Use these steps as a framework to begin your decluttering journey. 

Start with a Plan

The first step to decluttering your home is to create a plan. Start by setting goals for each room you want to declutter. This will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the process. Next, make a list of the items you want to keep, donate, or discard. Sorting your items into these clear categories will make it much easier to make a decision. Don’t leave room for grey areas! Finally, set deadlines for each task to help you stay on track.

Decluttering Tips by Room

Decluttering can be an overwhelming task, but taking it one room at a time can make it more manageable. 

  • Kitchen: Start by removing expired tins and jars of food. You’ll be amazed at how many of these there are!. Next, tackle your cabinets and drawers. Donate or discard any duplicate or unused gadgets. Organise the rest by how often you use it so that you can store accordingly. 
  • Bedroom: Begin by getting ruthless with your wardrobe and clothes drawers. Donate or sell any clothes you haven’t worn in the last year, and discard those worn out garments that you’re keeping for sentimental value. Bedside tables are a breeding ground for clutter so empty them and discard unnecessary items. Donate the books that you definitely won’t read.
  • Living room: Do you really need the DVDs, CDs and Video games that are cluttering up your living room? Do you even have the kit to play them any more?  If they’re precious, box them up for storage. The same goes for books. Choose the titles that you either want to read, or re-read, or have out on display. Then box the rest for storage if you can’t bear to donate them.

Storing excess Items

Of course, a declutter doesn’t simply mean to discard everything in your home! Once you’ve identified the items that aren’t needed, you’ll need to organise the items that you do wish to keep. Some of these will be regularly used items that remain in situ around your home. Others will be for occasional or seasonal use, or simply have emotional attachment. Many homes simply do not offer ample areas of storage for these belongings. Self-storage is a great option for storing items you don’t need to access regularly but want to keep. Especially when items are large like a surfboard or in large numbers, like an heirloom tea set. You’ll be able to access them easily while knowing that they are safe and secure.

Living without clutter

How do you stop the clutter from accumulating and live life long term with space and clarity? We’re not all lucky enough to have an enormous loft or garage, and even if we do, they’re often not the ideal space for occasional use items. They experience cold and damp so your belongings can be easily damaged in storage. This is why self storage units are an excellent way to live life without clutter in the long term. 

Benefits of self storage

While some people choose self storage for short term use, others utilise facilities long term. Our lives constantly change, as do our requirements for our belongings. This means that long term self storage has some great benefits:


You can access your storage unit any time within the centre opening hours. If you need 24 hour access this is also possible under certain contracts. This is ideal for storing seasonal items, which you can swap over when required. Or large sports kit such as a bike or paddleboard which might be used occasionally.  

Damage prevention

The areas in which we store our belongings in our homes are simply not ideal for storage. A garage or loft tends to get very hot in the Summer months and cold in Winter. This makes them prone to damp, which affects their condition. Climate controlled storage units prevent this kind of damage occurring. 


Storage units benefit from additional security, making them the ideal location to store precious items such as heirlooms. When you don’t have anywhere to display these items, it makes sense to ensure their security and protection.

Flexible sized space

Realistically, your storage requirements are liable to change at some point. You may move home, downsize, take a secondment, or expand your family. Your storage unit contract can be flexible with different sized units. This means that your storage space can easily size up and down with your needs.

Large items

It’s true that your home will be less cluttered without that piano, sideboard, or even tumble drier. However, when you may have space in the future for these items it doesn’t make sense to discard them only to need to buy them again further down the line. Your storage unit keeps these large items safe and protected for that time in the future when they can take pride of place. 

The decluttering process is an extremely valuable thing to do. It eases your lifestyle and gives you the physical and mental space to relax. It’s a much less stressful thing to do when you have a storage unit. Contact us for your quote.

Centres in Watford , Maida Vale (Permanently Closed) , Hemel Hempstead , Farnborough Call us FREE on 0800 9171221